Things to argue about over the holidays instead of politics

Advice on being managed

Historical analogies for large language models

Valid arguments with invalid conclusions

Underrated reasons to be thankful II

A modest proposal: For preventing the heat in bathwater in Britain

How much does a CT scan affect life expectancy?

Prediction market does not imply causation

The anxiety of the moderate

The conspiratorial Monty Hall problem

Why "controlling for a variable" doesn't (usually) work

Effectiveness beats accuracy

Does gratitude increase happiness?

358 games of puzzle storm

Rules for weird ideas

A model for journalistic copypasta

Shorts for August

Old jokes

No soap radio

Nobody optimizes happiness

Litter and circles of internalization

Notes on the Balkans

What I learned trying to classify abortion access across the rich world

Thoughts on the potato diet

Shorts for July

Blocked persons and letters of marque

Candidate final bosses

Contra Wirecutter on the IKEA air purifier

Aspartame: Once more unto the breach

Diet Coke probably isn't a cognitive performance enhancer

Why it's bad to kill Grandma

Social dynamics of bluetooth speakers

Shorts for June

What caused the hallucinations of the Oracle of Delphi?

Don't blame ethylene for bad tomatoes

Why is it traitorous to understand the people you disagree with?

The madness of reduced medical diagnostics

Why nuclear weapons aren't getting bigger

So you want to invent a nuclear weapon

Ethylene in the food supply chain

Ethylene for fun and profit and produce

My attempted cult recruitment

Creative nonfiction training exercises

Why I don't believe in long-term thinking

Arguing without warning

You, your parents, and the hotness of who you marry

How I learned to stop worrying and structure all writing as a list

Teaching is a slow process of becoming everything you hate

A visual summary of economic growth since the industrial revolution

The conspiratorial Monty Hall problem

Observations about writing and commenting on the internet

My best estimate is that gas stoves decrease life expectancy by 53 days on average

Reasons and Persons: The case against the self

How to use analogies for good not evil

Things you're doing but don't want to be doing