The pedant in me has to report your regex is buggy!

More specifically: the 1970 iteration will match lines like:

DOB 05-24-1952; SSN 123-74-1970; etc

I'm not sure if they exist but having had experience with cleaning messy data I worry. No, this is not likely to change your results meaningfully but it's the point of the thing. (Also, is each person's record written on a single long line? If not, you have a second problem!)

Doing this in fully generality is difficult but what I'd probably try is something like (not really tested):

cat file.txt | grep DOB | sed -e 's/.*DOB\([^;]*\);.*/\1/'

to extract all the DOB strings, then pipe the result to [grep -v '^....$'] to find anything not matching just a year, and build another sed expression to canonicalize each such class of lines until all lines are just a year.

Normalization is really hard!

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Well that's concerning! Thanks for pointing it out, I'll look into it. I definitely agree that this is tricky.

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I mean in practice for rough counts you're fine. I wouldn't do anything that could kill people or lose my money with your system but you're ok as a blogger probably. But next time you find yourself in such a world...

(Also my approach of normalize then count once with is asymptotically faster, but again who cares...)

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What do you think about this: Just change the expression to limit the number of characters in the wildcard?

for i in {1910..2010}


c=($(grep "DOB .\{0,7\}$i;" sdnlist.txt | wc -l))

echo $i, $c


I tried this and it does make a small difference for a few of the different years. Just from spot-checking it seems correct. But... I noticed a couple other minor things. Like: (1) Some people have have multiple possible DOBs listed and (2) some people have their DOB split across a newline, meaning they don't get matched at all.

(I guess I'm fine to just live with these imperfections, but it underlines your point that these things aren't easy!)

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Yeah, that's most of what I wanted to express-not that any particular solution is best but that this is really frustrating to do well.

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OK I finally updated the code and the graph. The difference is very hard to see (fortunately) but it is there. Thanks again!

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