Really enjoyable read.

People asking for money in restaurants - and especially them being successful - worries me. I have a thing where I ask people how to get more beggars on the streets..... simply give money to the ones that are already there. Incentives matter and you get more of what you subsidise.

I'm not anti-begging per se (I've done my share of itinerant busking) but it's an unrewarding lifestyle choice and for that reason alone, I wouldn't encourage it.

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My guess is that the success and the permissiveness of many restaurants are both related to how rare it is for anyone to ask for money. I should emphasize that was rarer than most North American cities and never aggressive.

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For some reason, I think it would be interesting to read your dive into the begging phenomena.

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There are also tons of statues of Hillary Clinton all over Albania.

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